Bytom — Tarnowskie Góry — Miasteczko Śląskie

Górnośląskie Koleje Wąskotorowe

Begin the journey on the oldest continuously active narrow-gauge railway in the world. Admire industrial scenery of Bytom, enter the underground of Historic Silver Mine in Tarnowskie Góry or relax by the lake in Miasteczko Śląskie.

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O GKWPoznaj koleje

Upper-Silesian narrow-gauge railways (GKW)- a public narrow-gauge railway system with a track gauge of 785mm, launched in the mid-19th century, initially used mainly to transport raw materials and Intermediate goods between the industrial plants of the Upper Silesian Industrial District.

To this day only one oldest historical railway line remains active (Bytom Wąskotorowy – Tarnowskie Góry Wąskotorowe – Miasteczko Śląskie Wąskotorowe) with regular tourist traffic and a length of 21km. Operated by the Association of Upper-Silesian narrow-gauge railways.

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